I wanna be like HER!!!
I'm her BIGGEST fan!!!
i like the way she sings.. but i LOVE her LOOKS!!!
i LOVE her STYLE!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
17 July 2009 (Friday)
Today is the last day to collect my ResultsPlus Direct slip at British Council, for those who had taken Edexcel O-Levels Examination in the month of May. I went with my dad after picking up my younger brother from his school. Throughout the journey, daddy and i were chatting.. He was sharing his problems, in other words, he was actually releasing his tension..
Lately, he's been bothered by my both aunties' problems. They are my father's younger and youngest sister. One is so miserable to have married a DISLOYAL husband whom has TWO kids. Another one is too miserable to have married a GAMBLER, YET, they have FOUR kids already!!! My anuties are still young, they're just 30++.
Just for your information, i am not being BUSY-BODY here. I'm just telling the facts that ARE happening in this world, the people around you, are they like them too?? If they do, please, please advise them, and motivate them. I feel so PITIFUL to them.. i just wish i could help them..
The one with a DISLOYAL husband actually requested for divorce. But he declined. The main reason is, he doesn't want people around him to look down on him, he doesn't want others to change view on him.. OMG!!! this kind of guy REMINDS me of THOM!!! There's ONLY a word to describe men like them : JERK!!!!
I can't deny that he's RICH (just like Thom)!! Who doesn't want to marry a rich guy?? Who doesn't want to live in a LUXURIOUS LIFE?? Who doesn't want GUCCI, LV, PRADA??? WHO DOESN'T WANT A BMW, MERCEDES BENZ, FARRARI??? WHO DOESN'T WANT BRANDED PRODUCTS???
Think of the TWO kids.. Think of their welfare.. Their future.. Do not hold any GRUDGE.. Everyone made MISTAKES.. The wife had FORGIVEN you.. but can't you just APPRECIATE it?? SET HER FREE... That is ALL she NEED. RELEASE her from all the bad memories you've caused her in her life.
What is so special about GAMBLING??!! Especially for those who already have FAMILY. Worst of all, you borrowed money from LOAN-SHARK!! COMMON SENSE PLEASE!!! You know you won't get away from them. It's daily counted interest rate!! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT??!! Have you ever thought of who will be the VICTIM of ALL YOUR FOOLISH ACTIONS??
Now that they have to seek for help. Help from who?? My father. My father has to sell his shares in order to help you in your financial problem. Loan-sharks are very DARING!! They tend to do ANYTHING in order you to return back their money + interest!!! They KIDNAP your children, even RAPE your wife!!! Please be more CONSIDERATE. For your family's sake, for God's sake, PLEASE BE MORE RESPONSIBLE!! What else you could sell?? YOUR HOUSE?? YOUR BUSINESS COMPANY?? YOUR CAR??
SAY IT!!! >>>>
My DEAR uncles.. i'm SPEECHLESS.. i just hope that everything will be FINE..
17 July 2009 (Friday)
3a.m. something, i was awake coz of those irritating mosquitoes that hunger for my blood.. i was EXTREMELY annoyed, hence, i got up from my bed, switched on the lights and brightened up my room.. Ready to HUNT for mosquitoes!! I seriously hate them SO SO SO SO MUCH!! I searched every single place in my room.. every corner..
AHAH!!! i FOUND one!!! I started chasing it.. "PIAK!!!!" YOU'RE DEAD!!!!
DAMN IT!!! It sucked my blood!!!
Never mind.. as long as i am able to sleep peacefully, i don 't care. I JUST WANNA SLEEP!!!
Ten minutes later.. i SMELLED mosquitoes AGAIN!!! i could FEEL them on my SKIN..!!! F***!!! I tried to cover my whole body with my blanket. But i could HEAR it!!! The sound of the vibration of its wing.. AGAIN i got up from my bed, repeated the steps..
i got that mosquito ON MY HAND!!! hehehehehe.... XD poor thing.. it had an EMPTY stomach before it dies.
This time.. i tried to sleep.. but i failed.. THANKS TO THOSE MOSQUITOES!!! So i took out a novel borrowed by TM, and read it. While i was enjoying the story, here comes ANOTHER mosquito!!! WTH!!! I don't have diebetes, my blood's not sweet-tasting.. GO FUCKING PICK SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE!!!
I KILLED IT BTW!!! and i BET that is the LAST one!! NO MORE MOSQUITOES!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
i dedicate this song to YOU !!!
Kristinia Debarge <GOODBYE>
Am I supposed to put my life on hold
Because you don't know how to act
And you don't know where your life is going
Am I supposed to be torn apart, broken hearted,
In a corner crying, pardon me if I don't show it
I don't care if I never see you again
I'll be alright
Take this final piece of advice and get yourself together,
But either way baby, I'm gone!!!
I'm so over it, I've been there and back
Changed all my numbers and just in case you're wondering
I got that new I'm a single girl swag
Got me with my girls and we're singin' it
Na na na na
Hey hey hey
Cut my hair cuz it reminded me of you
I know you like the long do,
Had to switch my attitude up
Thinking of changing up how I ride,
No more
On the passenger side too bad
You miss out on the way that I drive it
I don't care if I never see you again
I'll be alright
Take this final piece of advice and get yourself together,
But either way baby, I'm gone!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
14 July 2009 (Tuesday)
Below are the messages that Thom sent to me last night (13 July 2009)..
"Try me. I have your identity" sent 20:32p.m.
"I need your written explanation tomorrow." sent 23:37p.m.
so if you do not listen to me, you'll have to bear the consequences ~
13 July 2009 (Monday)
It was just three days ago (Friday), i removed my relationship status in Facebook. I changed it to Single. It has been a long time that i wanted so much to BREAK UP with him.. the FREAKING RICH guy i mentioned in the previous post. Plus, it has been a long time i've not contact him.. Fine, i don't even BOTHER whether he's DEAD or ALIVE. I DON'T CARE!!! He's NOT even part of my life!!!
The next day, i was TOO boring so i went online again. He sent me a few messages in Facebook, saying..
"You're such a bitch!"
"i will post up your **** ***** ***** now!"
"and i will delete and block you now!"
But sadly, he was so thick-skinned to still have the pride to text me a message last night!!! OMG!! How could "you" drop your status and fame to still message me??!! Don't "you" know that you're insulting me??!!
"I need your explanation letter and send to me by Tuesday. If you fail to submit. You will be taking charge.."
"Babe. He's not pervert ok. As you know, he's classy and arrogant. Most of people in Mid Valley knows him and others too. He doesn't like people to look down with him. He's numerous person and popular ok. As you know, keep a secret. He's a young prince of hainan in china in this generation. If you don't love him. He will be migrating to other country. I will be worrying when he will be leaving if you don't love him. Think about it. My friends and i love him. So please considerate."
*Just for your information, the message above is EXACTLY the REAL message that his God sister sent to me*
Since you (Elaine) LOVE your "God brother" so much, MARRY HIM, YOU IDIOT!!! i FUCKING don't wanna get involve in this affair!!! I'm TOTALLY an OUTSIDER in this COMPLICATING matter!!!
*This is a wall post i sent to Nanalicious in Facebook on 11th July 2009.*
"He does love me like CRAZY!! he even put me as his FIANCEE for his "We're Related" application on his facebook profile!!! If he would just grow SLIGHTLY taller until 170cm. I wouldn't have do this to him.. just recently, i found out that he has got a secret affair with a girl on facebook. So i don't think he's a trustworthy person. DUMP HIM OF COURSE!!"
"i know i'm a BITCH!! I didn't deny the statement from the very first place. So why should i care when people telling me that i'm a BITCH??!! Cuz those people who said that i'm a bitch, THEY ARE FUCKING BITCHES TOO (FOR GIRLS!)!!! and THOSE GUYS ARE SON-OF-BITCHES!!! Especially THOM!!! " "THOM, CAN YOU HEAR ME??!! YOU'RE FUCKING SON-OF-A-BITCH!!! i'm sorry your highness, i just can't help it!! You just gave birth to your dear prince of hainan, and he deserves NOTHING in this world!! NOT EVEN ME IS INCLUDED!!! Your highness, this is a message for you and your son, "YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH LIKE ME TOO!!!"
Thom, i here by telling you that WE'RE OFFICIALLY BROKEN UP ALREADY!!! So stop all those SILLY stuffs!!NO FUCKING MESSAGES FROM YOU ANYMORE!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Random Quizzes i received from 36181
- At 40 Centrigate, a person loses about 14.4 calories per hour by breathing.
- Electricity doesn't move through a wire, but through a field around the wire.
- Those stars and colours you see when you rub your eyes are called phospenes.
- There is a hotel in Sweden built entirely out of ice, it is rebuilt every year.
- Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
- To find out if a watermelon is ripe, knock it, and if it sounds hollow then it is ripe.
- Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
- Did you know, Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
- Babies' eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately size to eight weeks old.
- The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is UNCOPYRIGHTABLE.
- Depending upon the shade, the brain may send up to 11 tranquilizing chemicals to calm the body.
- Plants watered with warm water grow larger and more quickly than plants watered with cold water.
- Did you know, Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
- The average person's field of vision encompasses a 200-degree wide angle.
- A crocodile always grows new teeth to replace the old teeth! Amazing eh?!
- Humans and dolphins are the ONLY species that have sex for PLEASURE.
- Did you know, the cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
- The colour BLUE can have a calming effect on people.
- Male mosquitoes are VEGETARIANS. Only females bite.
- It snowed in the Sahara Desert in February of 1979.
- Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
- Did you know, butterflies taste with their FEET.
Friday, July 10, 2009
i dedicate this song to all my Lincoln friends..
Our life has changed
It's not the same
And the only way to say it
Is say it
It's better
I can't conceal
This way I feel
For all the times we spend together
Just gets better
Sing what I am trying to say it
You make things better
And no matter what the day is
With you here
It's better
I'll stand by you
If you stand by me
I think it's time that I value it
Coz I believe you
It's better
Oh I'm alright charm to you
I fall in love with everything we do
Labels: from boyzone [Better]
10 July 2009 (Friday)
Today is the last day of my college, which means i've completed my Foundation in Science Programme. I thought i should be feeling happy and excited cuz i just finished my exam, and i don't need to think about studies for this moment onwards. But.. there's something in my heart that keeps banging on it.. MEMORIES.
7 months of Foundation course passed by so FAST.. Although it has been a SHORT period, but i gained something new in my life.. MEMORIES. Memories between my friends and i.. The time i've spent with them all these while, it's UNFORGETABLE!! Bonnie, the FIRST girl friend i met when i first stepped into this college for the Orientation Day on 5 January 2009. Hehe.. such an intelligent young lady.. who kept saying that she's fat (which is NOT, AT ALL!!)..
Dimple (i like her name a lot!!).. a brilliant young lady. She's a very shy person. Everytime when she wants to talk to the lecturer, she'll definitely bring me along, cuz she didn't dare to go alone. Hehe.. XD
Nurun.. the very BEST friend of mine!! Loves to LAUGH!! a CRY-BABY (just like me..) hehehe.. XD Although she had done a number of courses before enterring Lincoln College, she NEVER give up in Medicine even though she failed for the previous pre-u programmes. I FULLY SUPPORT her!! She has the passion in being a doctor.. and i'm really PROUD of her!!!
SERIOUSLY missing them so much!!! Throughout these period of time, i've learned how to let go.. Sometimes, things just don't go as what we've wish they would be. I wish.. I wish i would STOP crying.. I wish.. i have a time machine now, and REDO all the things that i've done in the past! I wish.. TONNES OF WISHES!!! Remember when we were young and innocent, our parents used to say "Look at the star, and make a wish, your wish will come true.." Now that we've grown up as an adult, we opt to do things by our own, making our own effort in order to succeed.
Just yesterday, i found a photo of me and Liyu in his facebook. I didn't know that he has it. Cuz so far i remember that only Dimple snapped the photos and she saved the photos in her phone. I told her to send to my mail, but unfortunately, she lost her phone. Photo, it's a sign of memory.. People in the photo shows different meanings.. Some represents FRIENDSHIP, some represents LOVE.. it's all taken from the DEEPEST in your HEART.. your SINCERITY.. APPRECIATION.. and GRATEFULNESS. It was cross-culture event when i took the photo with him. Looking at him makes me laugh.. His lips not so THICK also mah.. XD but he has got EXTREMELY GORGEOUS SMILE!! I wonder how he feels when we took that photo together. One thing i can tell about myself is that...

Right after we finished our last paper this afternoon, it was 3.45p.m. Everyone was busy taking photos with each other. So did i. I SERIOUSLY don't like to say "goodbye" !! It sounds like the END of something (friendship.. love..).. I started CRYING (told you i'm a cry-baby!!) when i see these scene. I hugged my friends tightly especially Nurun and Dimple. They're my loved ones. Same to Bonnie too, she's more like my SISTER. As you know, i'm the ONLY daughter in my family, the FEELING of LONELINESS really CAUSED me lots of TROUBLE during my teenage life. It brought me to be a very REBELLIOUS person.. I started chatting in ICQ when i was in Form 3. I still remember there was an American guy talking about SEX with me.. DAMN DISGUSTING MAN!! There are tonnes of PERVERTED guys in all these chat rooms. EEuuuu... *tongue's out*
I wanted to add more photos, but Sharala just did something wrong to my pendrive!! My files are MISSING!!!! Argh... DAMN PISSED NOW!!!
never saying a word,
and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had ~
Labels: will add more photos soon