29 August 2008
Today is Friday.. Next week is going to be the SPM trial examination..
But i still don't feel the tension YET!! Don't know what's wrong with me lately..
It's raining heavily since recently.. The weather is kinda windy..
During the last lesson - EST (English in Science and Technology).. We were talking bout REPRODUCTION!! haha!! I like this topic.. But it's bout COWS and CATTLE.. Don't know why.. our teacher ~ Puan Dewi just talked bout couples..
She actually understands what teenagers do and think.. She said it's normal to like a person at this age.. But if you are SEXUALLY attracted to that particular person, then it's WRONG!!!
I agreed with her.. And i knew i was WRONG!! When a pair of couple starts to touch each other, sooner or later, it will develop into SEX!!! And if we have experienced "it", we can't pull yourselves out anymore!!!
She said normally couples will start touching each other at the early stage.. YES, IT'S VERY VERY TRUE!! For me, i want to hug my bf FIRST before we hold hands.. I don't know why.. i just LOVE to hug people.. It makes me feel warm and secure.. It seems like a "PHYSICAL" PROTECTION for me in order to feel safe..
- pet my hair gently
- pull out the chair for me and let me sit
- open the door for me and let me in
- carry the unbrella for me when it is raining
- putting hands on my shoulder
National day is approaching.. A total of 3 guys are asking Nanalicious out for counting down event.. but ME??
I'm just a MOULDERING human being that had fallen from grace..
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