Who is he..?? He has been existing in my life long time ago.. Always on my mind..
We have not even known each other all that long..
But in the short time that i've known him, he's always the person that i can turn to when i need help..
But in the short time that i've known him, he's always the person that i can turn to when i need help..
He showed me that suicide wasn't the answer after the confiscation of my handphone..
He never take a step ahead of me or fall behind me..
We're side-by-side..
He always go to the ends of the Earth and back for me.
He gives me peace of mind..
He makes almost everything bad seem so unimportant, like i'm in heaven..
With him in my life.. I'm sure that everything's gonna be alright..
He makes every day seem worth living..
He wrote about me in his "personal record" tha i've visited recently..
As Ateli3r says, I'm such an evil WHORE..
Somehow.. it sounds kinda true!!
I'm shutting myself out from reality..
Knowing that i'm gonna meet the teacher for counselling..
Our friendship is falling apart at the seams..
Reading back all the messages that he sent to me last time..
Those romance..
Those passion..
And the LOVE had between us before..
They had all faded..
"It's just a joke.."
Guess i'm naive enough to believe those previous message were true.. And that's the proof..
I closed my eyes tightly in the vain attempt to hold back my tears..
erm... i don really know wat u wan to express in the post. But i think the friend u described in the post, is really a life companion~ haha...
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