it's been a long time i've not go online..
i miss my blog..
my blog seems like everything to me now..
why can't blog be human being..??
i wanna hug my blog..
i'm so down..
knowing that everybody is leaving me one-by-one..
Firstly.. is PB..
Firstly.. is PB..
Secondly.. is Derek..
Thirdly.. Some random guy that we've not met before.. (??)
There's whole lot more..
Those guys that i flirt with... they are UNCOUNTABLE..
Today is 26 September..
I called PB..
Very obvious that we are so awkward to talk to each other..
He was going for a trip to KL.. with.. his gf..
I didn't know about it at first..
But when i heardd a sound of a girl talking to him..
I started to suspect..
I asked him.. "is she your friend?"
I asked him.. "is she your friend?"
He was like.. "erm.. ya.."
What does that mean??
He sounded so weird..
I was thinking that maybe he's lying..
So i asked him again..
FINALLY.. he admitted..
But why??
it's just a small matter..
Why can't he just tell me the truth..
Am i his REAL friend or.. maybe i'm just some RANDOM web friend for him..?? i mean.. not that i wanna bother his love life.. i'm happy that he found his true love.. and i'm so envious..
i admit that i was EXTREMELY shocked at that moment.. it wasn't what i expected..
maybe i'm just too obsessed to.. HIM?? i don't know.. AND I DON'T WANNA KNOW!!!!
All the guys that i've met.. they seems like treating me the same way like i treat those other guys last time..
I really don't know what to say anymore..

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