Monday, August 18, 2008


F! F! F! F! F! F! F!

Can someone tell me what is the meaning of "REMO" !!!

I had ENOUGH already!!!! ENOUGH!!! THAT'S IT!!!

"You" promised me that you will NEVER EVER bother me in my life!!! but NOW??!!

"You" embarrassed me in front of my friends!!

"You" made other people laughed at me!!!

"You" gave me stuffs!!

"You" gave me key chain!!

"You" reload for me!!

"You" gave me bookmark!!

"You" bought me a new wallet when i lost it..

AND "You" even gave me LOVE LETTERS!!!

BUT is that all i NEED??!!

From the beginning.. You told me that those Indian guys in your class were spreading rumors about me as a prostitute!! So, indirectly you made me gave my hp number to you.. ok! FINE!! maybe i am FOOL!!!

So, you start sms me. I THOUGHT you as my friend.. i THOUGHT you were trying to help me..

BUT!! i NEVER thought all the things that you've done to me is for another REASON!!!

I REPLIED your letter..

i TOLD you that i need to concentrate on my SPM examination.

i TOLD you that i can NEVER ever accept you as my bf!!

i TOLD you that it would be better if we REMAIN our friendship!!!


"You" told everyone that i'm your gf!!

"You" called me SWEETHEART in every single letter that you sent to me!!!

Bla.. Bla.. Bla..

"You" could EVEN blackmail other people just to be in my group for the trip!!

"You" can sell your watch just to buy something for ME!!!

"You" can write my name all over the places to tell everyone that you LIKE me!!

BUT you just can't win my HERAT!!!

Maybe i'll fall for a Indian guy one day..

Who knows??

BUT one thing for SURE!!!